Tekniker is looking for a Space sector coordinator. Come and join us!

Date 13-06-2024 Tekniker

Candidates must have a PhD, an advanced degree or a master’s degree in engineering (Aerospace, Industrial, Mechanics, Electronics, etc.) and technological leadership skills with a focus on results and operational efficacy. Somebody accustomed to working with cooperative R&D teams and with 5 to 15 years of experience developing technologically innovative solutions that can be transferred to companies.

Main responsibilities associated with this position:

  • Coordinating the different technological disciplines covered by Tekniker so they can be applied to space-orientated developments
  • Defining, implementing and managing R&D activities to meet Tekniker’s short and long-term needs
  • Participating in and/or leading space sector proposals and projects involving administrative bodies (regional, national, European, etc.)
  • Identifying and solving critical project development problems
  • Assisting in the definition of requirements related to technological developments and participating in task forces, both national and international.
  • Providing technical knowledge for projects, programmes and general studies associated with the space sector
  • Disseminating the end results of the activities carried out and actively fostering internal and external knowledge transfers
  • Technological surveillance of the space sector to incorporate knowledge related to highly innovative technological trends

Requirements to fill this vacancy:

  • Comprehensive education and specific experience related to multidisciplinary projects in the space sector
  • Experience in developing and verifying space systems
  • Experience in hiring activities for purposes of technological development and innovation
  • Experience with tenders and co-participation in space projects with ESA- Workshop and laboratory experience
  • Experience in managing and supervising industrial and public activities
  • Experience with space engineering standards (ECSS)
  • Advance level (C1) English is required. Basque would also be desirable

We offer an immediate start with a focus on stability and remuneration in line with the skills brought to the job.

We offer an immediate start with a full-time contract.

Tekniker has an in-person and remote hybrid working module that dos not only ensure coordination and synchrony between workers but also facilitates work-life balance and sustainability. We have a wide range of work-life balance measures designed to meet personal needs and requirements associated with this position. 

More information

If you require additional information on this job offer or would like to send your candidature, please do so via the Tekniker web site or our LinkedIn profile.