Course on good practises in industrial lubrication. Don’t miss out!

Date 24-07-2017 IK4-TEKNIKER Tags Courses .

Proper lubrication management has a direct impact on the reliability of the machinery. Therefore, having a satisfactory lubrication strategy enables you to improve the availability of the plant and the machines themselves.

Lubrication Management - IK4-TEKNIKER, in collaboration with Noria Co., will hold two lubrication management courses at IK4-TEKNIKER’s facilities in Eibar to train participants in industrial lubrication management.



Course: “Fundamentals of machinery lubrication (FML)”

This course, to be held from September 19 to 21, aims to provide the knowledge required to understand the importance of lubricant properties and the strategies for selecting the right lubricant for each machine.

Click here for further information and registration.

Course: “Advanced oil analysis applied to maintenance and reliability (AOA)”

The course, to be held from November 21 to 23 will deal with concepts such as analysis of wear in machinery, analysis of fluid properties, additive depletion/degradation, corrosion control and interpretation of reports, among others.

Click here for further information and registration.
