Human-centred technologies to improve the healthcare system

Date 30-07-2024 Tekniker

The seminar on Human-Centered Health Technologies organised by Tekniker to be held in Madrid will address the most recent innovations associated with robotic technologies and smart devices currently used to deliver customised and accurate care. Companies such as Siemens or organisations like Fundación ONCE and hospital experts will share their knowledge and expertise in these areas.

Can technology improve prevention, diagnostics, treatments or rehabilitation practices for patients in the national health system? Would it be able to provide customised healthcare for citizens whilst boosting the industrial sector and producing high quality jobs?

The Human-Centered Health Technologies seminar organised by the Tekniker technology centre will discuss these issues in Madrid on September 25 - 26 as well as the opportunities these new robotic technologies and smart devices can offer in an effort focused on implementing a human-centred healthcare system.

Leading companies such as, among others, Siemens or socially-focused organisations like Fundación ONCE and hospital experts from the National Paraplegic Hospital of Toledo and the University Hospital of Getafe, together with several clusters and public bodies, will discuss the progress made in the areas of customised care and precision medicine. The programme will feature informative panel discussions, interactive stands and networking spaces to facilitate an exchange of views between professionals working in this sector.

Please visit the official forum website página oficial del foro to register and attend the seminar that will be held at the University Hospital of Getafe

Robotic health technologies

Day one primera jornada, jointly organised with Plataforma Tecnológica Española de Robótica, (HispaRob), the Spanish Robotics Technology Platform (Hisparob) will take place on Wednesday September 25 and be hosted by one of the platform’s members, the Medical and Healthcare Robotics Task Force (GTROMA).

The aim of this group, coordinated by Tekniker, is to improve quality of life for patients and working conditions for healthcare professionals and carers by applying human-centred technologies.

Universities, technology centres, companies and other actors connected to the health ecosystem will share their views and knowledge related to robotic technologies and sciences associated with rehabilitation, motion, social issues, ageing, in-person and on-line healthcare to implement a research ecosystem and achieve a higher level of interdisciplinary development in Spain to become more competitive at a European level.

Smart medical devices

Day two segunda jornada will feature speakers from Tekniker as well as several experts who will explain how the healthcare system is being transformed by applying solutions that are specifically adapted to meet the individual needs of each patient.

Discussions will address the opportunities offered by smart medical devices and the challenges and obstacles that were encountered during the development stage in terms of funding, infrastructures/incubators, regulations, etc. Experiences will be shared with sector experts and successful cases related to hospitals, start-ups and companies will be presented to demonstrate how feasible these projects actually are regardless of their complexity.

Tekniker has played the role of a strategic partner in the development of these healthcare products. The organisation has a specific quality management system (ISO 13485) to design and develop healthcare products that includes, among other things, prostheses, orthotics, diagnostic devices and surgical materials. The ultimate goal, therefore, of companies and start-ups is to develop healthcare products jointly with Tekniker not only as a technological partner but also as a comprehensive supplier that is crucial to address market access challenges efficiently and speed up marketing actions.