What will human-machine collaboration be like in smart factories?

Date 20-04-2023 Tekniker

The human factor and the degree of support required by 4.0 workers throughout their entire working life are the vectors the Cogile project has focused on.

A group of experts in engineering and technology have joined forces to carry out a research and development project focused on enabling technologies designed to achieve efficient cooperation between workers and smart systems at factories of the future.

The aim of this project called Cogile is to take steps towards implementing collaborative environments to work alongside industrial plants. In order to achieve this goal, the human being is placed in the centre of the automation so that smart industrial systems can adapt to the individual’s physical capabilities, sensory-motor needs and cognitive skills.

The project is based on technologies such as simulations using virtual and augmented reality, monitoring the operator’s degree of confidence with the system, with the support of adaptative and conversational agents.


The end results are two demonstrators. The first one, developed by Tekniker, has been geared towards collaborative inspection/assembly and is specifically focused on airplane flaps. In this instance, the human being, via a natural interaction, instructs the robot on the tasks to be performed from a mixed environment, then visualises them prior to being performed and confirms their execution either vocally or by means of gestures. This is how the solution can achieve the objective of performing inspection tasks in a collaborative manner and via a natural multi-modal interaction.

The second demonstrator is focused on training scenarios using virtual reality for machining tasks. The system simulates manual machining control immersively with the movements of the tool. By interacting with the machine via a mixed reality, operators can visualise their hands and feel how certain virtual elements can be touched. There is also the option to clarify doubts with a virtual assistant voice guide.

Project partners

The Cogile project has been developed by a team of experts from Tecnalia, Tekniker and Vicomtech, Elhuyar Fundazioa and Mondragón Eskola Politeknikoa (MU-EPS) that have cross-checked their advances and applications via a so-called contrast committee. This committee, made up of eight companies from sectors related to industry, automation engineering and technology and suppliers of information systems has been able to focus its work on developing a tool that is effective and practical for companies.

Cogile has established an extensive technological principle that can be adapted to meet potential specific needs of industrial companies to work more efficiently and effectively.

This is a research project funded by the Basque Government´s Elkartek programme (Departamento de Desarrollo Económico, Sostenibilidad y Medio Ambiente).