IK4-TEKNIKER and UPV/EHU renew their commitment focused on generating specialised knowledge and talent
The technology centre and the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) are to renew a Collaborative Framework Agreement covering specialised research actions and training for qualified talent
By signing a new Collaborative Framework Agreement covering research, training, technology transfers, innovation and knowledge dissemination actions, IK4-TEKNIKER and the University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU) will reinforce the partnership that was established more than a decade ago.
This agreement clearly focuses on specialising in terms of knowledge and the generation of highly qualified talent that will be conducive an extensive range of activities related to scientific and technological promotion.
Based on this new agreement signed by the CEO of the technology centre, Alejandro Bengoa, and the rector of the public university, Nekane Balluerka, IK4-TEKNIKER and UPV/EHU undertake to share equipment and infrastructures and develop R&D&I programmes by means of structures specifically established for this purpose.
This joint specialised challenge will cover several areas. Firstly, the agreement will serve to define virtual and physical classrooms and other types of communal workspaces to establish a close cooperation between individuals, teachers, researchers and students at UPV/EHU and IK4-TEKNIKER professionals. Another of the areas covered by this agreement will address temporary exchanges and residencies to carry out research programmes and projects.
In addition to this two-way collaboration, both organisations will provide mutual support to develop projects of common interest. These activities will be supported by programmes geared towards fostering an entrepreneurial culture and research programmes covering strategic areas, particularly those included within the scope of the European Research Area. In other words, a significant commitment focused on creating highly qualified talent.
The strong training and knowledge transfer component that has always characterised the connection between IK4-TEKNIKER and UPV/EHU took centre stage in 2018 at the launch of an innovative programme called, “+Cooperación +Transferencia”, thanks to to which, and with the assistance provided by the Postgraduate Service and UPV/EHU masters departments, 14 students were to reinforce their final master´s project (TFM) with hands-on work in R&D projects carried out at the technology centre. This programme combined educational cooperation with a work contract to achieve a higher degree of specialisation and integration of all the graduates involved. The +Cooperación +Transferencia programme will come to an end with specific management actions carried out by IK4-TEKNIKER so that this talent can be transferred to the industry itself. In parallel, the agreement will continue with a range of practical activities at the technology centre´s facilities for nearly thirty students every year. IK4-TEKNIKER research staff will also be able to become involved in UPV/EHU postgraduate programmes and provide tuition addressing different kinds of mutually relevant training activities such as end-of-degree projects, final master´s projects and doctoral theses addressing areas of mutual interest.
All of these activities will be supplemented by others of an informative character and reciprocal counselling will be provided in terms of planning studies and organising events, seminars and conferences focused on fostering and promoting an innovative culture and disseminating science, technology and innovation in society.
The agreement that both organisations have signed is a follow-on to the close cooperation that was set up after subscribing the 2008 and 2012 Collaborative Framework Agreements that were later reinforced by other specific agreements aimed at reinforcing other specific agreements whose purpose consists in underscoring their instructive character and collaborative approach in terms of research projects and programmes.