IK4-TEKNIKER shows its capabilities with regard to city energy management
The technology centre will be demonstrating the capabilities of the web UBR-Grade platform at stand F653; it is the final outcome of a European project whose ultimate goal is to manage city energy efficiently.

Over the next 3 days (from November 17 through 19), Barcelona is to become the capital of “smart cities” by hosting a new edition of the Smart City Expo World Congress (SCEWC) with delegates of 500 cities from all over the world, 450 exhibitors and 400 speakers.
The Barcelona Trade Fair exhibition centre on Gran Via will provide the venue where experts will address urban transformation challenges to be dealt with in the future in order to guarantee sustainability in cities by focusing on disciplines connected to mobility, technology, energy efficiency or the environment, amongst others.
There will be 450 companies there to explain recently developed urban solutions supported by an extensive range of integrated urban management platforms.
It will be second year running that IK4-TEKNIKER technology centre will be attending the expo from stand F653 where the capabilities of the URB-Grade platform shall be explained; a system that allows cities to measure, manage and receive supporting data to implement corrective actions whose purpose is to achieve greater energy consumption efficiency in the future.
The platform is one of the outcomes of the European URB-Grade project funded by the European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme whose aim is to explore the potential benefits arising from the DaaS (District as a service) concept in terms of city energy management.
The conference
The conference will feature 400 speakers in more than 40 sessions structured around six subject matters: Technology, Society, Governance; Sustainability, Mobility and Innovation & Startups.
IK4-TEKNIKER will participate in the session entitled “Tracking and tackling climate change”, during which various solutions and policies shall be discussed to address the issue of climate change. In the course of the session the presentation “URB-Grade Decision Support Tool: Towards the District as a Service” will be given to describe the technology centre’s involvement in the deployment of a network of sensors designed to collect data relative to street lighting power consumption in several streets of Eibar, a municipality located in the province of Gipuzkoa.
The sector of infrastructures at IK4-TEKNIKER
IK4-TEKNIKER and sensor networks