Date 20-11-2015 IK4-TEKNIKER Tags Workshops .

CIC marGUNE will organise the annual “ADVISORY SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE MEETING” to discuss actions carried out in 2015.

CIC marGUNE, the Centre for Cooperative Research in High Performance Manufacturing is to host, as in previous years, the “ADVISORY SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE MEETING”. The event will take place on November 23 at the IK4-TEKNIKER facilities.

The aim of the meeting is to explain all the actions carried out in 2015 within the scope of CIC projects to members on the scientific committee and CIC marGUNE partners.

The programme includes two presentations to be given by members of the scientific committee. The first lecture, under the Industry 4.0 initiative, is entitled “Eta Factory: A meeting point between concepts as energy-efficiency factory for research and education and Industry 4.0 regarding energy flow control” and will be given by professor E. Abele from Darmstadt University.

Dr. A. Sterzing from the Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology IWU, will deliver a presentation with the title “Innovative Forming and Joining Technologies – Potentials for Realization of Hybrid Parts”.

Four parallel sessions will then follow in the course of which the work carried out within the scope of CIC projects in 2015 will focus on the development of several technologies.

Amongst others, some of the most outstanding technologies are: Removal machining; Non conventional machining: Cladding and Joining; Machine tool precision & Forming and Casting.

All sessions will be chaired by leading European researchers, members of the scientific committee: B. Karpuschwsky, G. Levy, E. Abele, D. Hartmann and A. Sterzing.


The seminar will be open to participants from the world of business, universities and technology centres such as ITP, SAPA, CIE, ALFA, AOTEK, MGEP, UPV/EHU, IK4-AZTERLAN and IK4-TEKNIKER, among others.
It will be followed by lunch during which networking will be possible with other similar organisations to share knowledge and open doors to potential projects and initiatives.

IK4-TEKNIKER and advanced manufacturing
