Industrial production management

Industrial production management

With its manufacturing speciality, TEKNIKER is working in the field of production management in the broadest possible sense; from defining new production models to monitoring production and logistics.

In the design of production models, and in addition to systems logics, planning and control mechanisms, the definition of plant layout has been included together with a selection of production and intralingual equipment assessed via several simulation systems.

IK4-TEKNIKER has developed a number of solutions for purposes of production planning, production monitoring, quality control, maintenance, etc.

The evolution of these systems addresses new technologies within the scope of the “Industry 4.0” concept and special attention is paid to sustainability and cooperation paradigms along the supply chain.

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    Array ( [id] => 57 [idcategoria] => 1 [idsubcategoria] => [imagen] => GestionIndustrial.jpg [caso_exito_1] => [caso_exito_2] => [caso_exito_3] => [cliente_1] => [cliente_2] => [cliente_3] => [direcciones_email] => [titulo] => Industrial production management [video] => [texto_1] =>

    With its manufacturing speciality, TEKNIKER is working in the field of production management in the broadest possible sense; from defining new production models to monitoring production and logistics.

    In the design of production models, and in addition to systems logics, planning and control mechanisms, the definition of plant layout has been included together with a selection of production and intralingual equipment assessed via several simulation systems.

    IK4-TEKNIKER has developed a number of solutions for purposes of production planning, production monitoring, quality control, maintenance, etc.

    The evolution of these systems addresses new technologies within the scope of the “Industry 4.0” concept and special attention is paid to sustainability and cooperation paradigms along the supply chain.

    [fase_1] => [fase_2] => [fase_3] => [fase_4] => [texto_2] => [texto_tabla] => [enlace_flickr] => [enlace_youtube] => [enlace_issuu] => [enlace_slideshare] => [seo_h1] => Industrial production management [seo_url] => industrial-production-management [seo_title] => Industrial production management - TEKNIKER [seo_desc] => TEKNIKER works in the area of production management; from defining new production models to monitoring production and logistics. [imagenes] => [enlaces] => [publicaciones] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [titulo] => Smart Manufacturing Execution System (SMES): The Possibilities of Evaluating the Sustainability of a Production Process [enlace] => the-possibilities-of-evaluating-the-sustainability-of-a-production-process ) [1] => Array ( [titulo] => Extending manufacturing towards service-oriented business models: The T-REX technological levers that support this extension [enlace] => extending-manufacturing-towards-service-oriented-business-models-the-t-rex-technological-levers-that-support-this-extension ) ) [sectores] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [titulo] => Aeronautics and space [seo_url] => aeronautics-and-space [imagen] => aeronautica.svg ) [1] => Array ( [titulo] => Automotive [seo_url] => automotive [imagen] => automocion.svg ) [2] => Array ( [titulo] => Renewable energy [seo_url] => renewable-energy [imagen] => energias_renovables.svg ) [3] => Array ( [titulo] => The science industry [seo_url] => the-science-industry [imagen] => industria_ciencia.svg ) [4] => Array ( [titulo] => Infrastructures [seo_url] => infrastructures [imagen] => infraestructuras.svg ) [5] => Array ( [titulo] => Machine tools and manufacturing [seo_url] => machine-tools-and-manufacturing [imagen] => maquina_herramienta.svg ) ) [soluciones] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [titulo] => Automation and industrial robotics [seo_url] => automation-and-industrial-robotics [imagen] => ST_AutomatizacionRobotica_808x450px_icono.jpg ) [1] => Array ( [titulo] => Inspection and measuring [seo_url] => inspection-and-measuring [imagen] => ST_InspeccionMedida_808x450px_icono.jpg ) [2] => Array ( [titulo] => Industrial maintenance [seo_url] => industrial-maintenance [imagen] => ST_MantenimientoIndustrial_808x450px_icono.jpg ) ) [equipamiento] => )

Industrial sectors
