Radio frequency identification semi-active tag with sensing capabilities for the food logistic chain

Author: F. Palacio, X. Cano, J.M. Gomez, C. Vilar, A. Scorzoni, M. Cicioni, E. Abad, A. Juarros, D. Gomez, M. Nuin, A. Gonzalez, T. Becker, S. Marco. Date2009

Food Logistics require new information technology tools for traceability and advanced monitoring. 

Industries do not only want to introduce more data concerning food products, but also require to have maximum information about environment data during transport and storage, as well as any additional data, that may be essential to the product lifetime. Typical variables of interest may be temperature, humidity, light and chemicals. Here, the development of a semi-active tag with sensing capabilities is reported. The tag features power feed from a 13.56 MHz field, plus a battery for sensing purposes. The presented tag allows interfacing a variety of sensors, as well as data logging for the full duration of the transport. The tag is ISO15693 compliant. The developed tag features a credit card form factor and it has been integrated onto a flexible substrate using commercial components.