Tekniker and CIC bioGUNE renew their collaborative commitment in the field of biomedicine

Date 22-03-2022 Tekniker

The Tekniker technology centre and CIC bioGUNE renew their collaborative commitment by focusing on developing technology to be applied in the field of biomedicine.

Tekniker and CIC bioGUNE, members of the Basque Research and Technology Alliance (BRTA), have renewed their collaborative framework agreement to carry out research, development, innovation and collaborative actions with regard to specific subjects related to the area of biomedicine.

The agreement reached was formalised today in the course of a formal ceremony held at the facilities of CIC bioGUNE in Derio (Bizkaia) and attended by the director general of Tekniker, Luis Uriarte and the director general of CIC bioGUNE, José María Mato.

CIC bioGUNE is a key scientific research centre in Spain and abroad that has become a benchmark organisation in terms of knowledge related to health sciences. Scientific activities carried out at this centre are mainly focused on chemical, structural, molecular and cellular biology to develop more accurate medical practices in the future.

Tekniker, on the other hand, plays a fundamental role with regard to transferring technology to the industrial environment. The technology centre specialises in developing medical devices and other elements for the field of biomedicine, which is why CIC bioGUNE has become a partner in this endeavour.

The signing of the agreement between both organisations represents a further step in this collaborative process both companies initiated in 2018.