Tekniker will display a 3D printer at BIEMH 2024 that stands over 3 metres tall and is used to manufacture metallic structures

Date 16-05-2024 Tekniker

El centro tecnológico mostrará del 3 al 7 de junio en la feria internacional una máquina con prestaciones únicas en la producción de componentes de geometrías complejas para sectores de alta exigencia. Su stand, ubicado en el pasillo E15 del pabellón 1, contará también con una célula de robótica colaborativa y piezas con diferentes recubrimientos y tratamientos superficiales.

Once again, the Tekniker technology centre, a member of the Basque Research and Technology Alliance (BRTA), will play an outstanding role at the International Machine Tool Biennial Exhibition (BIEMH) by showing the organisation’s most recent developments in its main R&D areas related to advanced manufacturing, surfaces, materials and ICTs for production.

In this year’s edition, to be held from June 3 - 7 at BEC in Barakaldo (Bizkaia), the technology centre will focus on a key element called the TITAN machine, a sizeable 6100 mm x 3100 mm x 3420 mm 3D printer that will be assembled on the stand itself and that is used to manufacture very large metallic structures characterised by complex geometries.

In order to do so, the equipment, fully designed and developed by Tekniker, uses laser technology and, more specifically, a Direct Energy Deposition (DED) technique that deposits energy directly in the form of a metal wire.

The machine, moreover, features a controlled atmosphere enclosure to simulate different environmental conditions. This feature makes it highly attractive for sectors such as aeronautics, shipbuilding or space missions for operations to be carried out in extreme climates.

Carlos Soriano, a Tekniker researcher, explains that “TITAN is a piece of innovative advanced manufacturing equipment fully developed by Tekniker to produce large parts that incorporate a range of metal alloys to withstand extreme operating conditions. Consequently, we will showcase a rocket engine nozzle currently being manufacturing on a machine that simulates environmental conditions on planet Mars”.

Visitors to the technology centre’s stand will not only see the machine itself but also several components produced by the DED metal wire technique to check out the unit’s unique capabilities in terms of making parts in the form of propellers or spheres.

Collaborative robotics and surfaces

During BIEMH 2024, Tekniker will also use its exhibition space to present a collaborative and flexible robotic cell performing a ‘bin picking’ process in which the robot picks up parts situated on a lateral loading tray in complete disarray and that, once detected, are placed following an orderly pattern and as close as possible to the point of exit.

The solution features several technologies developed by Tekniker that enable natural person-robot interactions in different production environments. One of the outstanding elements is the SmartPicking software that uses 3D vision to guide the robot and pick up the right parts; another, is the “Proximity detector” software that sets the distance to operators to guarantee their personal safety.

The demonstrator also features HoloLens augmented reality goggles to simulate the robot’s working environment and monitor its movements. Digital twin technology will make it possible to compare the robot physically with its projection on the device.

The solutions to be presented by Tekniker at BIEMH will be complemented by the organisation’s capabilities in terms of the surfaces and materials produced for parts made by the DED metal wire technique to see different surface finishes. It will also be possible to see how advanced tribological materials have been developed by combining excellent properties that enhance tribological and mechanical performance and generate energy density.