Aplicación de procesos de micro fabricación de alta productividad para la fabricación de componentes poliméricos funcionales de interés en el sector biomédico
El objetivo de la tesis se centra en el desarrollo de una metodología para el procesado de polímeros bio-absorbibles mediante tecnologías de alta productividad para la obtención de componentes micro-estructurados implantables.
Development of a Plant Controller for Grid-Connected Hybrid Renewable Power Plants with Enhanced Market Participation Strategies
This PhD thesis aims to investigate on the high level controllers needed to operate grid-connected HyPPs and maximize their profitability.
Surface hardening and tempering by means of an oscillating laser beam
This work presents a study of the surface hardening and tempering processes using an oscillating laser beam, shaped by means of a high-dynamic galvanometric mirror scanner and generated by a continuous wave diode laser.
Generic semantics-based task-oriented dialogue system framework for human-machine interaction in industrial scenarios
In Industry 5.0, in which automatization has an increasingly important role, human workers and their well-being are placed at the centre of the production process. Task-oriented dialogue systems allow workers to delegate simple tasks to industrial assets while working on more complex ones.
Desarrollo de un sistema de monitorización y control para el proceso de aporte metálico por láser basado en la digitalización tridimensional de la geometría
El principal objetivo de esta tesis es desarrollar una metodología robusta de monitorización y control del proceso de aporte, Laser Metal Deposition (LMD), que permita reducir el tiempo y coste de fabricación y aumente la calidad de las piezas fabricadas.
Context analysis to improve algorithms in condition monitoring
Kerman Lopez de Calle, a researcher working for the Smart Information Systems Unit at the technology centre, has submitted his thesis entitled “On the use of context information for an improved application of data-based algorithms in condition monitoring”, whose main aim is to analyse the role played by context in terms of monitoring algorithms in the field of machine condition monitoring.