“Tomography with X rays is the future of metrology”

Date 26-11-2015 IK4-TEKNIKER Tags Courses . Workshops .

The tomography seminar organised by ZEISS and IK4-TEKNIKER has been a big success.

Computerised X-ray tomography is taking significant strides with regard to industrial measuring applications. This was one of the main conclusions of the recent and highly successful seminar entitled “Tomography: technologies and applications” that involved IK4-TEKNIKER, a reference technology centre in industrial environments and ZEISS, a leader in the field of metrology and microscopy solutions.

Participants were told where 3D measurement and characterisation technologies are currently heading. All experts agreed with the fact that X-ray metrology is nowadays the most outstanding trend with respect to the significant advantages it offers: external and internal ultra accurate 3D characterisation of a workpiece makes it possible to run automatic contactless dimensional monitoring and to perform CAD comparative analyses, assemblage control, defect & thickness analysis, reverse engineering, among others.

Contactless measuring

According to IK4-TEKNIKER experts, “the trend favours speed. The tendency is to measure an object by means of optical systems that generally operate faster than contact devices and feature multi-sensor systems to avoid using different pieces of equipment”.

ZEISS experts explained how 3D X ray metrology has evolved and mentioned a number of applications involving METROTOM equipment used to generate 3D volumes for all types of workpieces, even for those that require destructive testing. Special mention was made of the CALYPSO metrology software for all kinds of coordinate measuring machines and their integrated PiWeb software used to manage outcomes, SPC stastistical controls and interactive reporting.

Those attending the seminar also received hands-on information relative to X ray microscopy, although specifically focused on the Xradia Versa family that allows high 3D resolution to be achieved with much sharper 3D images and reconstructions characterised by enhanced contrast. On the other hand, the Xradia Ultra is the only family available on the market that uses an optical synchrotron X ray technology that confers the highest level of resolution to X ray tomography equipment.
