Argitalpen zientifikoak

Ibarguren, A., Martínez-Otzeta, J. M., Maurtua, I.

“Particle Filtering for Position based 6DOF Visual Servoing in Industrial Environments”

Visual servoing allows the introduction of robotic manipulation in dynamic and uncontrolled environments. This paper presents a position-based visual servoing algorithm using particle filtering. 

Aldizkaria/Liburua 9th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics. ICINCO 2012
Data 2012
Orrialdeak 161-166

J. Mosa, J. F. Vélez, I. Lorite, N. Arconada, M. Aparicio

Film-shaped sol-gel Li4Ti5O12 electrode for Lithium-ion microbatteries

Homogeneous and transparent film-shaped spinel Li4Ti5O12 electrodes on gold coated quartz were synthesized by sol–gel and a dipping procedure after thermal treatments at 700 °C. 

Aldizkaria/Liburua Journal of Power Sources
Data 2012
Orrialdeak Volumen: 205 Páginas: 491-494

A. Villar, E. Gorritxategi, E. Aranzabe, S. Fernández, D. Otaduy, L. A. Fernández

Low-cost Visible Near-Infrared sensor for on-line monitoring of fat fatty acids content during the manufacturing process of the milk

This paper describes the calibration, validation and testing process of a low-cost on-line visible–near infrared (400–1100 nm) sensor for the monitoring of fat and fatty acids content in milk during the manufacturing process of milk. 

Aldizkaria/Liburua Food Chemistry, 135 (2012) 2756-2760. (I.F = 3.655)
Data 2012

J. Mabe

The future of Fluid Inspection on Industrial Applications: an Autonomous Micro Colorimeter Sensor for fluidics

The work to be presented is focused in the design, development and fabrication of an Autonomous Micro Colorimeter Sensor for fluidics inspection in Industrial Applications. 

Aldizkaria/Liburua EPoSS General Assembly and Annual Forum, Paris, France, 2012
Data 2012

F. Gili, A. Igartua, R. Luther, and M. Woydt

The impact of biofuels on engine oil performance

The dilution of biogenic fuels into lubricating engine oils often leads to a shortening of the recommended oil drains (between 30% and 60%) and an increase in wear. 

Aldizkaria/Liburua Lubrication Science
Data 2011-11
Orrialdeak Vol. 23, pp. 313-330, Nov 2011

L. Martinez, R. Nevshupa, D. Felhoes, J. L. de Segovia, and E. Roman,

Influence of friction on the surface characteristics of EPDM elastomers with different carbon black contents

Tribological properties and surface characteristics of ethylene–propylene-diene elastomers were studied as a function of carbon black (CB) content. 

Aldizkaria/Liburua Tribology International
Data 2011-08
Orrialdeak Vol. 44, pp. 996-1003, Aug 2011.