Argitalpen zientifikoak

V. Garcia Navas, O. Gonzalo, I. Quintana, and T. Pirling

"Residual stresses and structural changes generated at different steps of the manufacturing of gears: Effect of banded structures"

Banded ferrite–pearlite structures, and in general chemically inhomogeneous structures, react non uniformly to elevated temperatures during forging and/or subsequent heat treatment processes, affecting the final stress state (plastic deformation is required to accommodate dissimilar thermal expansion behavior for each phase) and consequently leading to distortions. 

Aldizkaria/Liburua Materials Science and Engineering A -Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing
Data 2011-06-15
Orrialdeak vol. 528, pp. 5146-5157, Jun 15 2011.

A. Alberdi, P. Hatto, B. Diaz, and S. Csillag

Tribological behavior of nanocomposite coatings based on fullerene-like structures

This paper presents a new group of nanocomposite coatings based on integrating inorganic fullerene-like material (IFLM) structures into conventional coating matrices. 

Aldizkaria/Liburua Vacuum
Data 2011-06-05
Orrialdeak vol. 85, pp. 1087-1092, Jun 5 2011

Ferreiro, S., Arnaiz, A., Sierra, B., and Irigoien, I.

A Bayesian network model integrated in a prognostics and health management system for aircraft line maintenance

The maintenance strategies of different industrial sectors are changing and evolving continuously in search of cost reduction, optimization of the operational reliability, the availability, and the resources used. 

Aldizkaria/Liburua Proceedings of the Institutions of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Volume 225, June 2011
Data 2011-06
Orrialdeak 886-901

A. Igartua, R. Nevshupa, X. Fernandez, M. Conte, B. Zabala, J. Bernaola, et al.

Alternative eco-friendly tubes for clean two-stroke engines

High performance lubricant for clean two-stroke engines operating with ethanol-containing fuels was developed by the selection of the optimal synthetic esters base oil followed by an improvement of the additives composition. 

Aldizkaria/Liburua Tribology International
Data 2011-06
Orrialdeak Vol. 44, pp. 727-736, Jun 2011

Ferreiro, S., Sierra, B., Irigoien, I., and Gorritxategi, E.

Data mining for quality control: Burr detection in the drilling process

Drilling process is one of the most important operations in aeronautic industry. It is performed on the wings of the aeroplanes and its main problem lies with the burr generation. 

Aldizkaria/Liburua Computers & Industrial Engineering, Volume 60, Issue 4, May 2011
Data 2011-05
Orrialdeak 801-810

A. Ansuategi, A. Ibarguren, J.M. Martinez-Otzeta, C. Tubío, E. Lazkano

Particle Filtering for People Following Behavior Using Laser Scans and Stereo Vision

Mobile robots have a large application potential in everyday life. To build those applications some common and basic behaviors should be initially consolidated, including a people following behavior. 

Aldizkaria/Liburua International Journal on Artificial Intelligence; Volume 20, Issue 02, 313, April 2011. DOI: 10.1142/S0218213011000176
Data 2011-04