Argitalpen zientifikoak

Alberto Tellaeche, Ramón Arana

“3D machine vision and machine learning algorithms applied to quality control of percussion caps”

The exhaustive quality control is becoming very important in the world´s globalised market. One example where quality control becomes critical is the percussion cap mass production, an element assembled in firearm ammunition. 

Aldizkaria/Liburua “IET Computer Vision”, IET, Marzo 2011, Volume 5, Issue 2
Data 2011-03
Orrialdeak 117-124

R. Nevshupa, L. Martinez, L. Alvarez, M. F. Lopez, Y. Huttel, J. Mendez, et al.,.

Influence of Thermal Ageing on Surface Degradation of Ethylene-Propylene-Diene Elastomer

Evolution of the surface characteristics of EPDM elastomer was studied as a function of thermal ageing at 80°C and 120°C in air for up to 100 days. 

Aldizkaria/Liburua Journal of Applied Polymer Science
Data 2011-01-05
Orrialdeak Vol. 119, pp. 242-251, Jan 5 2011

G. Mendoza, A. Igartua, B. Fernandez-Diaz, F. Urquiola, S. Vivanco, and R. Arguizoniz

Vegetable oils as hydraulic fluids for agricultural applications

The formulation of environmentally friendly lubricants following the criterion of the European EcoLabel is expensive owing to the lack of technological development in this area. 

Aldizkaria/Liburua Grasas Y Aceites
Data 2011-01
Orrialdeak vol. 62, pp. 29-38, Jan-Mar 2011

M.G. Ramirez, P.G. Boj, V. Navarro-Fuster, I. Vragovic, J.M. Villalvilla, I. Alonso, V. Trabadelo, S. Merino, M.A. Díaz-García.

Efficient organic distributed feedback lasers with imprinted active films

We report on the fabrication of efficient organic distributed feedback (DFB) lasers with thermally-nanoimprinted active films, emitting between 565 and 580 nm. 

Aldizkaria/Liburua Optic Express 19, 23, (2011).
Data 2011
Orrialdeak 22443-22454

E. Abad, A. Juarros, A. Retolaza, S. Merino, R. Marie, A. Kristensen.

DNA analysis by single molecule stretching in nanofluidic biochips

Stretching single DNA molecules by confinement in nanofluidic channels has attracted a great interest during the last few years as a DNA analysis tool. 

Aldizkaria/Liburua Microelectronic Engineering, 88, 300-304 (2011)
Data 2011

R. Ortiz, I. Quintana, J. Etxarri, A. Lejardi, J.R. Sarasua

Picosecond laser ablation of poly-L-lactide: Effect of crystallinity on the material response

The picosecond laser ablation of poly-L-lactide (PLLA) as a function of laser fluence and degree of crystallinity was examined. 

Aldizkaria/Liburua Journal of Applied Physics 110 (2011)
Data 2011
Orrialdeak 094902