Argitalpen zientifikoak

J. Lambarri, C. Soriano, J. Leunda, C. Sanz, D. Massagué

Estudio experimental y numérico del calentamiento mediante radiación láser para asistir al proceso de laminación

La aplicación de una fuente de radiación láser, como herramienta de calentamiento selectivo, ofrece nuevas posibilidades a los procesos de deformación por laminación, tanto cónica como cilíndrica. 

Aldizkaria/Liburua Actas del XVIII Congreso de Máquinas-Herramienta y Tecnologías de Fabricación (2010)
Data 2010

Xavier P. Burgos Artizzu, Angela Ribeiro, Alberto Tellaeche, Gonzalo Pajares, Cesar Fernandez-Quintanilla

“Analysis of Natural Images Processing for the Extraction of Agricultural Elements”

This work presents several developed computer-vision-based methods for the estimation of percentages of weed, crop and soil present in an image showing a region of interest of the crop field. 

Aldizkaria/Liburua “Image and Vision Computing”, Elsevier, Volume 28, Issue 1, January 2010.
Data 2010
Orrialdeak 138-149

A. Tellaeche, R. Arana, I. Maurtua

“Automatic Inspection of percussion caps by means of combined 2D and 3D machine vision techniques”

The exhaustive quality control is becoming more and more important when commercializing competitive products in the world´s globalized market. 

Aldizkaria/Liburua Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Image Processing ICDIP 2010. World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET)
Data 2010
Orrialdeak 164-169

A. Tellaeche, R. Arana, A. Ibarguren, J. M. Martinez-Otzeta

“Automatic Quality Inspection of Percussion Cap Mass Production by means of 3D Machine Vision and Machine Learning Techniques”

The exhaustive quality control is becoming very important in the world’s globalized market. One of these examples where quality control becomes critical is the percussion cap mass production. 

Aldizkaria/Liburua Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems. HAIS 2010, Part I, LNAI 6076. Eds. M. Graña Romay et al. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2010. ISSN 0302-9743. ISBN 978-3-642-13768-6. 5th International Conference HAIS 2010
Data 2010
Orrialdeak 270-277

A. Tellaeche, B. Robles

“3D machine vision and Artificial Neural Networks for quality inspection in mass production pieces”

The exhaustive quality control is becoming very important in the world´s globalized market. One of these examples where quality control becomes critical is the percussion cap mass production. 

Aldizkaria/Liburua 15th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA 2010)
Data 2010

A. Ibarguren, I. Maurtua, B. Sierra.

Layered architecture for real time sign recognition: Hand gesture and movement

Sign and gesture recognition offers a natural way for human–computer interaction. This paper presents a real time sign recognition architecture including both gesture and movement recognition. 

Aldizkaria/Liburua Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Data 2010
Orrialdeak 23 (7), pp. 1216-1228, 2010