Determination of stress build-up during nanoimprint process in triangular polymer structures

Autorea: I. Fernandez-Cuesta, X. Borrisé, A. Retolaza, S. Merino, D.A. Mendels, O. Hansen, A. Kristensen, F. Pérez-Murano. Data2008

Nanoimprint process in polymers may cause internal stress accumulation in the imprinted structures that can affect their quality, leading to defects or even fatal cracks. Relaxation effects can also diminish the long term stability of the imprinted features. 

In this work, direct strain related to residual stress has been characterized by high resolution AFM measurements in triangular shaped lines imprinted in PMMA 50k at different conditions. Finite elements simulations are in agreement with the experimental observations, and facilitate results interpretations. Relaxation effects have been also studied.