The kick off meeting of the MOSAIC project
Kick off meeting of a new Horizon 2020 project in IK4-TEKNIKER.

Kick off meeting of a new Horizon 2020 project took place in Eibar (Spain), on 1–2 December, 2016. MOSAIC project aims to design, manufacture and validate an innovative CSP concept that will have low implementation costs at the highest plant efficiencies, compared to the current state-of-the-art technologies, and that will reduce the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE).
In particular, MOSAIC module consists of an innovative fixed spherical mirror concentrator arranged in a semi-Fresnel manner and an actuated receiver based on a low cost closed loop cable tracking system. This configuration reduces the moving parts of the whole system decreasing solar field cost while keeping high concentration ratios. This will assure high working temperatures thus high cycle efficiencies and a cost effective use of thermal storage systems.
The MOSAIC Consortium represents a multi-disciplinary group composed of 9 partners and 6 countries within the European Union forming an ideal and well-balanced team. MOSAIC partners are IK4-TEKNIKER, (Spain - Coordinator), AMIRES Sro (Czech Republic), Cockerill Maintenance & Ingénierie (Belgium), COBRA Instalaciones y Servicios (Spain), CENER (Spain), Politecnico di Torino (Italy), Rioglass Solar (Spain), Senior Flexonics GmbH (Germany), Sirea (France).
During the kick off meeting partners discussed technical issues related to the the concept to be developed as well as potential dissemination and exploitation routes. MOSAIC project has a duration of 48 months.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 727402.